Welcome to the Pelican Lake Property Owners
Association, Inc. (PLPOA) Whats' New?
Learn how we can all do our part to maintain and even improve our lake health. Minnesota video shows us how.
Learn about the Importance and Economic Value of the Lakes & Rivers in Oneida County
CASTING LIGHT UPON THE WATERS: A Joint Fishery Assessment of the Wisconsin Ceded Territory!
Protecting Your Waterfront Investment: 10 Simple Shoreland Stewardship Practices
Healthy Lakes Native Planting Best Practices.
Find out how valuable our wetlands are and the role they play in keeping our lake clear and filtered.
Learn about the Loons and the Loon Rangers process for surveying them every 5 years
In case you missed the
last few meetings - catch up here:
Read the Minutes of the PLPOA 2020 September Board Meeting
Read the Minutes of the PLPOA 2020 June Board Meeting
Read the Minutes of the PLPOA 2019 Annual Meeting
Read the Minutes of the PLPOA 2019 June Board Meeting
Read the Minutes of the PLPOA 2019 September Board Meeting
Read the 2019 Letter from our PLPOA President
Overview As a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt not-for-profit organization with a membership
approaching 300 members, the Association's purpose is to preserve, protect and enhance the waters of Pelican Lake, Oneida
County, Wisconsin, and its watershed. This purpose is promoted through an active, ongoing partnership with the Towns of Enterprise
and Schoepke and their citizens.
The primary objective is to maintain a balanced lake ecosystem, promote good stewardship, and educate
all lake patrons regarding the wise use of the surrounding environment. We encourage and promote shoreline restoration
WATCH this short video to learn more. Additionally, the Association works to maintain
a sufficient fund balance to pay for treatment and containment of invasive species infestations (AIS Aquatic Invasive Species).
Located in Onedia County, Wisconsin, Pelican Lake is 3,585
acres with a maximum depth of 41 feet. Specializing
in Walleye, Northern Pike and Muskie, but fishing includes Bluegill, Yellow Perch, Crappie, and Large & Smallmouth Bass.
Click here for the Pelican Lake Creel Survey Results